Saturday, November 21, 2009

Long Range Plan for Technology

The new information that I have acquired from this plan is that Texas has an ambitious vision to provide all students, parents and educators 24/7 the technology resources, tools and infrastructure for a 21st century world. For this become a reality, all educators must get the professional development, technological planning, resources and proficiencies for this plan to work. This means that educators must be educated in mentoring, monitoring and motivating the students in these technology areas. If this does happen, then the implementation of this plan will be successful because the students will able to evaluate, access, manage and use the information from a variety of media formats and from different resources. All of this is important because all students need to become a 21st century learner. A 21st century learner relies on technology as an essential and preferred component of their everyday lives. They will encounter different perspectives, cultures, and languages. The technology will give them the skills and behaviors to achieve their goals. In all three phases of this plan, their must collaboration between all parts of the educational system for this plan to be successful. Each part of the system, the TEA, SBEC, Regional Educational Service Centers, Local Education Agencies, Texas Higher Education, and the Parents, Educators and Community must come together to collaborate, encourage, implement and integrate this plan for technology. It this does happen, the success rate of this plan will go up. At the same time, the technology infrastructure must be put into place in all districts across Texas. Once this is in place then the educators can get the correct preparation and development to succeed. This new learning can help me as a new educational leader by giving me a starting point to see if the technology infrastructure at my campus is there. If it is, then do the educators have the professional development and experience to deliver it in the classroom. Also, am I getting instructional support from the administration. This is how it would help me as a leader.

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